Monday, January 17, 2011

It's here! 3d without glasses!

I wasn't going to post this but them...well, It's such a GREAT video! I take no responsibility for anyone trying to emulate this video however....


Unknown said...

You got to be kidding! His lids were contracting so fast they were almost in fasciculation. He was, obviously, either nervous or annoyed by the lid contractions. How long would this be tolerable?

Beam Me Up said...

Gerald I am calling total fake on this!
I tried to play along, but there is just no way this could be happening. I don't think no, I am willing to bet that these groups of muscles can not be fired this fast or transdermally. I suspect if a signal was placed on the face like that, it would cause the whole side of the face to contract or spasm. But you have to admit, it is damn funny!